Upper Leeson Street Area Residents' Association


7:00pm, Wednesday 12 June 2024 Doors open from 6:30pm

at Litton Hall, Wesley House, Leeson Park.

The AGM is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and the committee, and to discuss local issues. Please do join us for the meeting and a light refreshments afterwards.

Litton Hall is just south of the large church on the corner of Dartmouth Road and Upper Leeson Street.


Our Spring 2024 newsletter has been distributed to over 1500 homes in the Ulsara area.

You can also download it here.

An Bord Pleanála decision on Appian Way

In May 2023, An Bord Pleanála REFUSED permission for the proposed 10-storey block with 44 build-to-rent apartments (29 studio and 15 one-bed units) at the junction of Appian Way/Upper Leeson Street.
UPDATE! In a further decision in May 2024, An Bord Pleanála REFUSED permission Retention permission for the hoardings fixed to the metal railings facing Appian Way and Leeson Street Upper.
Read the decision on hoardings here >>>>

This proposal - as determined by An Bord Pleanála - would: 'constitute overdevelopment of the site and would have an unreasonable overbearing and visually dominant effect on adjoining sites'. Further, the proposal provided for 'inappropriate' service access, set down and drop-off arrangements. The board disagreed with the Inspector and decided that the development would 'fail to integrate with or be compatible with the streetscape and public realm along Appian Way and Leeson Street Upper'.

Ulsara opposed this development, and our submissions appear to have informed the final decision.

Ulsara is NOT against all development, and we certainly welcome new and more residents in our area.

Read the board's decision here >>>>

Read full details of the planning application for this development (ref 3562/21) here >>>


Ulsara has focused consistently and persistently on planning since its inception in 1968. This decision is the latest success following 55 years of campaigning to maintain the residential character and amenities of the neighbourhood.

Engage with Planning

In 2022, Ulsara published a Guide to Making an Objection setting out the key steps in making an observation and how to include supporting evidence.

Click on the image or here to download a pdf >>>

Ulsara has focused consistently and persistently on planning since its inception in 1968. This decision is the latest success following 55 years of campaigning to maintain the residential character and amenities of the neighbourhood.

Cherishing Heritage, Preserving Community

back in print! buy it now here

In 2018, Ulsara published a book to commemorate 50 years of the association. 

Cherishing Heritage Preserving Community was produced  by the Ulsara committee and edited by Fiona Slevin. It includes a foreword by Michael McDowell, SC and essays from recognised experts including Frank McDonald, Alistair Rowan and Ruth McManus. The book is beautifully illustrated with photographs by Andy Sheridan.

The original book sold out in weeks, but it is now available as a print-on-demand hardback and paperback on Amazon - and for a very short time, available from Ulsara.

Read more here >>>

Click here to buy >>>

Heritage Trail App

Download our new Heritage Trail, available as a mobile app. Covering the whole Ulsara area, the App provides information and images about some of the houses and buildings in the area as well as providing insights into some of the people who lived in the area through the decades.

Download it from the GuidiGo app on iTunes or Google Play and search for Upper Leeson Street Area Heritage Trail. 

(See more here >>>)

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Ulsara 2023 Newsletter

Ulsara's 2023 newsletter is currently being delivered to more than 1500 homes in our area.

Click on the image below to download a pdf copy.

We had a very successful AGM on
Thursday 11 May 2023
in Litton Hall on Leeson Park.

Sign up for our e-newsletter to keep informed!


On planning issues, we await with interest decisions from An Bord Pleanála on two highly inappropriate developments where we lodged concerns in 2021 & 2022.

We welcome the new Dublin City Development plan which backs up our opposition to inappropriately located build to rent developments.

The condition of our public realm – roadways, paths and parks was a hot topic at our last meeting and we continue to welcome members’ opinions. See the article on pages 4 & 5 of the newsletter.


We were delighted to be joined by informed and entertaining speaker, Arran Henderson of Dublin Decoded who gave a special talk on our Heritage Area.


Ulsara is now in its 56th year and our mission to cherish heritage and preserve our community is as relevant as ever.

Our members are our lifesblood. Please consider becoming a member  - or if you have been a member in the past, please do renew your subscription.

You can now join or renew online.

Become a member

Who we are

The Upper Leeson Street Area Residents' Association was founded  in 1968. The Association draws its members from the catchment area of streets, lanes, and squares adjacent to Upper Leeson Street, which extends south from the Grand Canal in Dublin City.

The primary aim of the Association is to promote the conservation 
and preservation of the residential character and amenities of the neighbourhood, including the maintenance of green spaces, as well as the distinctive Georgian and Victorian architectural features of this area of Dublin, and to encourage the development of community life in the area.

More about us

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